Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just another reason I hate the summer.

Today is my mom's birthday. She hasn't been gone too long, not as long as my dad, but it feels like yesterday she was laughing and smiling.

The summer months are hard, and have been for many many years. She was one of the few I could talk to about finding the baby in that car. She understood why it affected me so much. 

She also was here when I found out about the monster, and what he had done. It also was a time when it almost destroyed our relationship. There was a period of time wasted because of her beliefs in thinking sinners needed our love and testimonies and in my view it was her showing the monster support. The best gift I got was to have that all talked out, worked out and when she finally understood how her beliving God wanted her to **save** the sinner felt like she turned her back on the victim.  We were good, we were closer than ever after that.

But today she is gone. She is with my dad, in fact my entire family minus my 3 brothers and a few cousins that only exist on Facebook.

Family....When you have it you just take advantage of it. You always expect them to be there, and when they aren't. It is all you want.

You make your life the way you think you want, but in the end, it isn't what you wanted after all. Then it is too late.

It takes more than 1 to make that family close again. If only 1 tries, it never works.

Happy Birthday mom ~~ Miss you more than you will ever know~ 
Hug my dad~~~Kiss my Granny~~ You three made me who I am.
Thanks for that~